Call for papers for the CAA2012 proceedings

This is the official call for papers for the CAA2012 proceedings.

The CAA proceedings consist of a printed and an electronic version. The
printed version will contain the 50 papers that were ranked highest by the
CAA Review College, when first submitted, while the e-version will contain
all accepted papers and will be available online, and as downloadable PDF

If your paper is submitted as a long paper, your manuscript should not be
longer than 5,000 words (excluding abstract, key words, figures, tables and
bibliography); if it is submitted as a short paper, the limit is 3,000 words
(again, excluding abstract, key words, figures, tables and bibliography).
You are free to choose which type of paper to submit, irrespective of your
presentation type at CAA2012.

Please note that if you did not present your work at CAA2012, you are not
entitled to submit a paper for the CAA2012 proceedings.

The deadline for submissions is the 25th June 2012 and no extension will be
given. The deadline for submissions is the 1st of July 2012 and no further extension will be given.

To find more information regarding time schedule, reviewing process and
formatting please go to the conference management system, where you
can also submit your work. You can log in with the username and password
that you used previously for registering to the conference.

For any questions please contact:

All the best,

The CAA2012 Editorial Board

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